简要:In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been tracking the city's most notorious criminal, the "Red Harvest Killer," but without success. When two nomadic enthusiasts Katia and Gladys entered the city, the death toll increased and was considered a red harvest killing. The infatuated Adrian, the true Red Harvest Killer, is angry that this sexy serial killer duo has attracted media attention under his pseudonym. Adrian not only attempted to regain his rightful reputation, but also decided to cleverly assist his detective colleagues in completing the case. For a long time, neither the killer nor the victim knew that the world was about to experience a sudden and catastrophic outcome.
In this futuristic science fiction thriller, government security agent Jerry Hipple has been tracking the city's most notorious criminal, the "Red Harvest Killer," but without success. When two nomadic enthusiasts Katia and Gladys entered the city, the death toll increased and was considered a red harvest killing. The infatuated Adrian, the true Red Harvest Killer, is angry that this sexy serial killer duo has attracted media attention under his pseudonym. Adrian not only attempted to regain his rightful reputation, but also decided to cleverly assist his detective colleagues in completing the case. For a long time, neither the killer nor the victim knew that the world was about to experience a sudden and catastrophic outcome.展开