简要:In this infamous Nazi propaganda historical costume drama, an ambitious Jewish businessman named Suos Oppenheimer, who indulged in others, presented a large amount of wealth to the corrupt Duke of Wurttemberg and promised to obtain even greater wealth, thus taking away the position of financial director of Wurttemberg Company. As the Jewish plan became more meticulous and his actions became more shameless, a civil war almost broke out in the duchy. Under the persuasion of the Jews, the Duke almost abolished the Constitution and distanced himself from the Parliament by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In the final anger, the Jews raped a healthy German girl and tortured her father and fianc é e. When the Duke had a sudden heart attack, the Presbyterian Council tried the Jewish man and sentenced him to death because he had a "heart disease"; The carnal desire for a Christian woman" Summary by Kevin Rayburn
网友收藏Deutsche Muse100部德国经典电影(全)34th Moscow International Film Festival我的德国电影100部纳粹统治下的德国电影 1930-1945
In this infamous Nazi propaganda historical costume drama, an ambitious Jewish businessman named Suos Oppenheimer, who indulged in others, presented a large amount of wealth to the corrupt Duke of Wurttemberg and promised to obtain even greater wealth, thus taking away the position of financial director of Wurttemberg Company. As the Jewish plan became more meticulous and his actions became more shameless, a civil war almost broke out in the duchy. Under the persuasion of the Jews, the Duke almost abolished the Constitution and distanced himself from the Parliament by lifting the local ban on Jews in Stuttgart. In the final anger, the Jews raped a healthy German girl and tortured her father and fianc é e. When the Duke had a sudden heart attack, the Presbyterian Council tried the Jewish man and sentenced him to death because he had a "heart disease"; The carnal desire for a Christian woman" Summary by Kevin Rayburn展开