简要:A chilling suspenseful thriller film with exciting imagination and eye-catching performances, especially by children's actors. In the humorous fear created by the director himself, we are getting closer to the true sin that Catholicism cannot cure. The cleverly proposed fantasies about exorcism, possession, and resurrection slowly transform into stunning horror that will not leave your mind for a long time after screening. A devout family mourns their eldest son Han byul. Both parents sincerely believe that it is the hand of the Lord Jesus who tests them with painful pain. This pastor suggests adopting a child with special needs and sharing all the love in their injured hearts after a tragic accident. Therefore, the grieving parents hugged Isaac, who was visually impaired and charismatic, and Isaac quickly found his place in their spacious two-story house. This very sensitive boy believed that this kind-hearted family was still composed of seven members and witnessed how crying Han byul kept visiting them. Mother was confused by the incredible revelation and began to notice the previously unseen guiding signs. Face reason with guilt. Sadness transforms into fear. Doubt brings people back to their senses. New clues have revealed hurtful lies. Divine faith has opened all doors for powerful demon manipulation. The long healing process dispersed into submerged secrets. How long can you believe what someone who is not completely trustworthy whispers? To what extent would a loving mother protect her adopted child because she suddenly discovered an unpleasant truth? Derived from: https://poff.ee/en/film/the-other-child/
A chilling suspenseful thriller film with exciting imagination and eye-catching performances, especially by children's actors. In the humorous fear created by the director himself, we are getting closer to the true sin that Catholicism cannot cure. The cleverly proposed fantasies about exorcism, possession, and resurrection slowly transform into stunning horror that will not leave your mind for a long time after screening. A devout family mourns their eldest son Han byul. Both parents sincerely believe that it is the hand of the Lord Jesus who tests them with painful pain. This pastor suggests adopting a child with special needs and sharing all the love in their injured hearts after a tragic accident. Therefore, the grieving parents hugged Isaac, who was visually impaired and charismatic, and Isaac quickly found his place in their spacious two-story house. This very sensitive boy believed that this kind-hearted family was still composed of seven members and witnessed how crying Han byul kept visiting them. Mother was confused by the incredible revelation and began to notice the previously unseen guiding signs. Face reason with guilt. Sadness transforms into fear. Doubt brings people back to their senses. New clues have revealed hurtful lies. Divine faith has opened all doors for powerful demon manipulation. The long healing process dispersed into submerged secrets. How long can you believe what someone who is not completely trustworthy whispers? To what extent would a loving mother protect her adopted child because she suddenly discovered an unpleasant truth? Derived from: https://poff.ee/en/film/the-other-child/展开