简要:This suspenseful crime drama is set in Prague in 1953 and tells the story of honest police captain Hackel (played by a Trojan) and his investigation into a seemingly ordinary robbery at a goldsmith's shop. In a worrying political climate, this incident has been caught by the Communist authorities, who need to set up a smoke screen for their greater deception. According to orders from the Ministry of National Security, Hackel's investigation was taken over by East German expert Major Zehnke (Sebastian Koch, "The Lives of Others"), who was told to "prove" that the gold was stolen by the Jewish community to finance Zionist terrorism. But the experienced Hackel's intuition led him on a completely different story path. Can a just person resist the power of an increasingly oppressive country? The shadow of the past hangs over all those involved, which may turn criminals into victims or heroes. This is a touching and eye-catching study of the Stalinist era.
网友收藏第三十八屆香港國際電影節老派间谍片颁奖礼(捷克Lion)Those Red comrades 2第85届奥斯卡最佳外语片候选名单
This suspenseful crime drama is set in Prague in 1953 and tells the story of honest police captain Hackel (played by a Trojan) and his investigation into a seemingly ordinary robbery at a goldsmith's shop. In a worrying political climate, this incident has been caught by the Communist authorities, who need to set up a smoke screen for their greater deception. According to orders from the Ministry of National Security, Hackel's investigation was taken over by East German expert Major Zehnke (Sebastian Koch, "The Lives of Others"), who was told to "prove" that the gold was stolen by the Jewish community to finance Zionist terrorism. But the experienced Hackel's intuition led him on a completely different story path. Can a just person resist the power of an increasingly oppressive country? The shadow of the past hangs over all those involved, which may turn criminals into victims or heroes. This is a touching and eye-catching study of the Stalinist era.展开