简要:The story revolves around Jenny, a talented architect who was commissioned to renovate a luxurious estate belonging to a rather strange Daguerre family, located at the top of a board game empire. When the family leader Cesar was found murdered, Jenny was caught up in a real-life murder mystery, with the aim of unveiling the murderer's veil
网友收藏片单|[影展资讯11.26-12.05] 2021年第43届开罗电影节法国电影片单|Roma Mia Market 片单
The story revolves around Jenny, a talented architect who was commissioned to renovate a luxurious estate belonging to a rather strange Daguerre family, located at the top of a board game empire. When the family leader Cesar was found murdered, Jenny was caught up in a real-life murder mystery, with the aim of unveiling the murderer's veil展开