简要:This is an alternative, lack of humor sitcom that tells the story of a strange dysfunctional family. The center of the story is Malcolm, who is the intermediary between two brothers who still live at home. His eldest (and favorite) brother Francis served as a director at the military school because his parents believed it would help him reform and keep him out of trouble. Malcolm often found it difficult to cope with his family life, but when he was diagnosed as an intellectually developed genius and began receiving special treatment at school, he had more trouble to deal with.
This is an alternative, lack of humor sitcom that tells the story of a strange dysfunctional family. The center of the story is Malcolm, who is the intermediary between two brothers who still live at home. His eldest (and favorite) brother Francis served as a director at the military school because his parents believed it would help him reform and keep him out of trouble. Malcolm often found it difficult to cope with his family life, but when he was diagnosed as an intellectually developed genius and began receiving special treatment at school, he had more trouble to deal with.展开