简要:Marusya is 16 years old and, like many Russian teenagers, she is determined to end her life. Then, she met another millennial soul mate, Kimi. They spent ten years filming the joy and anxiety, happiness and pain of their youth, as they were oppressed by a violent authoritarian regime in the 'Depression of Russia'. This movie is a heartfelt cry, a tribute to the entire silent generation.
网友收藏片单|2022年第33届新加坡国际电影节片单2023年新片 每日更新idfa 2022 - Masters & Best of FestsIndieLisboa International IndependentUzal《电影手册》中好评毕尔巴鄂纪录片及短片电影节
Marusya is 16 years old and, like many Russian teenagers, she is determined to end her life. Then, she met another millennial soul mate, Kimi. They spent ten years filming the joy and anxiety, happiness and pain of their youth, as they were oppressed by a violent authoritarian regime in the 'Depression of Russia'. This movie is a heartfelt cry, a tribute to the entire silent generation.展开