简要:A wicked black comedy tells the story of a high-risk role-playing game played by the sadistic Rebecca (played by Margaret Quilly) and her wealthy client Hal (played by Christopher Abbott) in a battle for power and control. After inheriting his father's chain of hotels, Hal attempted to end his long-term secret relationship with Rebecca. On an incredibly tense night, a battle of will ensued, with Rebecca and Hal both striving to gain the upper hand as the dynamics of power fluctuated violently back and forth.
A wicked black comedy tells the story of a high-risk role-playing game played by the sadistic Rebecca (played by Margaret Quilly) and her wealthy client Hal (played by Christopher Abbott) in a battle for power and control. After inheriting his father's chain of hotels, Hal attempted to end his long-term secret relationship with Rebecca. On an incredibly tense night, a battle of will ensued, with Rebecca and Hal both striving to gain the upper hand as the dynamics of power fluctuated violently back and forth.展开