简要:Gasper 24 (2023) will premiere globally, depicting rude characters living on avant-garde streets. This movie has been selected as a selected film for the 2022 Asian project market, envisioning the emergence of a novel genre that incorporates science fiction elements in deceptive lifestyles.
网友收藏片单|2023第28届釜山国际电影节片单|biff 2023➠➠ Jogja-Netpac Asian Film Festival 2023第34届新加坡国际电影节 34th SGIFF 2023片单Ⅰ2023第28届釜山国际电影节片单|第28届釜山国际电影节(全网最齐)
Gasper 24 (2023) will premiere globally, depicting rude characters living on avant-garde streets. This movie has been selected as a selected film for the 2022 Asian project market, envisioning the emergence of a novel genre that incorporates science fiction elements in deceptive lifestyles.展开