简要: Directed by Butch Lukic, who also came up with the story, and written by J. M. DeMatteis, Adam Strange sees the titular hero (voiced by Charlie Weber) living in an asteroid mining colony with its population seeing him as an interplanetary derelict. He reveals his true nature by saving them from alien insects, while his origin story is revealed in flasbacks. Roger R. Cross, Kimberly Brooks, Ray Chase, and Fred Tatasciore also star.
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Directed by Butch Lukic, who also came up with the story, and written by J. M. DeMatteis, Adam Strange sees the titular hero (voiced by Charlie Weber) living in an asteroid mining colony with its population seeing him as an interplanetary derelict. He reveals his true nature by saving them from alien insects, while his origin story is revealed in flasbacks. Roger R. Cross, Kimberly Brooks, Ray Chase, and Fred Tatasciore also star.展开