简要: 塔林电影节主竞赛单元。 Liliana Torres’ third feature is a reality-bending interrogation of relationship dynamics and failings, starring the writer/director herself as protagonist. She sets off on a humorous journey of (re)discovery, ticking through a list of her exes, each an archetypal reflection of a critical personal flaw.
网友收藏2021塔林黑夜电影节[主竞赛+处女作]单元片单|[Hybrid影展11.12-11.28] 2021年第25届塔林电影节「第一部分:PÖFF & Just Film」片单|Schedule - PÖFF ProScreen 2021片单|塞万提斯2021—2021年第25届塔林黑夜国际电影节片单
塔林电影节主竞赛单元。 Liliana Torres’ third feature is a reality-bending interrogation of relationship dynamics and failings, starring the writer/director herself as protagonist. She sets off on a humorous journey of (re)discovery, ticking through a list of her exes, each an archetypal reflection of a critical personal flaw.展开