简要:The story revolves around the young and ambitious New York fashion designer Maxi della Cerna, who returns to the Philippines shortly after her mother's death in search of her father. She was deceived by her ex boyfriend and hoped to repay her debt by selling the provincial-level land jointly owned by her parents. But this means spending time with her father, who she hates when he abandoned her and her mother 15 years ago. As the tense and cautious Maxi struggled to immerse herself in farm life and deal with her despised father, she met her childhood friend Tommy again. Tommy is now an architect, trying to recover from past mistakes with her 7-year-old son. Can a daughter full of pain and anger forgive her father? Can a father heal the deep wounds in a daughter's heart? How can a woman who has had a very painful experience with the man she loves open her heart again to love?
The story revolves around the young and ambitious New York fashion designer Maxi della Cerna, who returns to the Philippines shortly after her mother's death in search of her father. She was deceived by her ex boyfriend and hoped to repay her debt by selling the provincial-level land jointly owned by her parents. But this means spending time with her father, who she hates when he abandoned her and her mother 15 years ago. As the tense and cautious Maxi struggled to immerse herself in farm life and deal with her despised father, she met her childhood friend Tommy again. Tommy is now an architect, trying to recover from past mistakes with her 7-year-old son. Can a daughter full of pain and anger forgive her father? Can a father heal the deep wounds in a daughter's heart? How can a woman who has had a very painful experience with the man she loves open her heart again to love?展开