简要:"The Betrayal of G30S/PKI" is a 1984 Indonesian documentary film written and directed by Arifin C. Noer, produced by G. Dwipayana, and starring Amoroso Katamsi, Umar Kayam, and Syubah Asa. This movie lasted for two years with a budget of 800 million rupees and was sponsored by the New Order government of Suharto. It is based on the official history of the Gerakan 30 September 1965 coup (G30S), which was written by Nugroho Notosusanto and Ismail Saleh and described as planned by the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). This movie depicts the days before and after the coup. During the period of economic turmoil, six generals were kidnapped and killed by PKI and the Air Force, reportedly to launch a preemptive coup against President Sukarno. General Suharto destroyed the coup and subsequently urged the Indonesian people to commemorate those who were killed and fight against all forms of communism. This movie showcases the ruthlessness and planning of the G30S leadership; From every action to the last detail; Taking pleasure in the excessive use of violence and torture of generals, these descriptions are interpreted as depicting the enemy of a country outside the realm of humanity;. As the first commercially released domestic feature film about the 1965 events, "Punkianatan G30S/PKI" achieved success in both commercial and critical aspects. It received seven nominations at the 1984 Indonesian Film Festival, one of which won and reached a historic high in ratings - although in many cases, audiences had to watch the film. It was used as a propaganda tool by the New Order government until its collapse; The program is broadcasted on September 30th every year and must be watched by students. Since the downfall of Suharto in 1998, this use of movies has become less common. Although the artistic aspect of this movie is still widely praised, its distortion of history has also been criticized.
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"The Betrayal of G30S/PKI" is a 1984 Indonesian documentary film written and directed by Arifin C. Noer, produced by G. Dwipayana, and starring Amoroso Katamsi, Umar Kayam, and Syubah Asa. This movie lasted for two years with a budget of 800 million rupees and was sponsored by the New Order government of Suharto. It is based on the official history of the Gerakan 30 September 1965 coup (G30S), which was written by Nugroho Notosusanto and Ismail Saleh and described as planned by the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). This movie depicts the days before and after the coup. During the period of economic turmoil, six generals were kidnapped and killed by PKI and the Air Force, reportedly to launch a preemptive coup against President Sukarno. General Suharto destroyed the coup and subsequently urged the Indonesian people to commemorate those who were killed and fight against all forms of communism. This movie showcases the ruthlessness and planning of the G30S leadership; From every action to the last detail; Taking pleasure in the excessive use of violence and torture of generals, these descriptions are interpreted as depicting the enemy of a country outside the realm of humanity;. As the first commercially released domestic feature film about the 1965 events, "Punkianatan G30S/PKI" achieved success in both commercial and critical aspects. It received seven nominations at the 1984 Indonesian Film Festival, one of which won and reached a historic high in ratings - although in many cases, audiences had to watch the film. It was used as a propaganda tool by the New Order government until its collapse; The program is broadcasted on September 30th every year and must be watched by students. Since the downfall of Suharto in 1998, this use of movies has become less common. Although the artistic aspect of this movie is still widely praised, its distortion of history has also been criticized.展开