简要:The Victoria Falls incident is the second and final installment of the proposed TV series Sherlock Holmes Golden Years. The film stars Christopher Lee and Patrick McNee, playing the late Sherlock Holmes and Watson. In the movie, Holmes is about to retire to beekeeping in Sussex, when the king sends him to South Africa on a mission to retrieve the African Star diamond. A complex situation arose, and Holmes encountered several historical figures, including former President Theodore Roosevelt played by Claude Atkins and Lily Lantry played by Jenny Siglov. He also met the fictional character A.J. Raffles.
The Victoria Falls incident is the second and final installment of the proposed TV series Sherlock Holmes Golden Years. The film stars Christopher Lee and Patrick McNee, playing the late Sherlock Holmes and Watson. In the movie, Holmes is about to retire to beekeeping in Sussex, when the king sends him to South Africa on a mission to retrieve the African Star diamond. A complex situation arose, and Holmes encountered several historical figures, including former President Theodore Roosevelt played by Claude Atkins and Lily Lantry played by Jenny Siglov. He also met the fictional character A.J. Raffles.展开