简要:Jean Gourguet's 1928 49 minute Silent felt like the French pioneer of Sidmak's 1930 Silence; Menschen am Sonntag”;。 It shows us how Parisians of the 1920s spent Sundays, tracking the progress of four young people on their days off - a girl, her boyfriend, and his two opponents. This movie is sometimes comical, sometimes sad, and sometimes romantic. Just like SiOdmak's movies, it greatly evokes memories of a passing era.
Jean Gourguet's 1928 49 minute Silent felt like the French pioneer of Sidmak's 1930 Silence; Menschen am Sonntag”;。 It shows us how Parisians of the 1920s spent Sundays, tracking the progress of four young people on their days off - a girl, her boyfriend, and his two opponents. This movie is sometimes comical, sometimes sad, and sometimes romantic. Just like SiOdmak's movies, it greatly evokes memories of a passing era.展开