简要:This TV anime series tells the adventure stories of Mr. Fantasy, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing, and is also known as Marvel's most famous family of Fantastic Four. According to the original comic storyline, characters, and plot, the Magical Four will battle their most famous villains, including their archenemy Dr. Doomsday. Marvel and Moonspoop collaborate to perfectly combine 2D and 3D animation, which will definitely surprise you.
This TV anime series tells the adventure stories of Mr. Fantasy, Invisible Woman, Human Torch, and The Thing, and is also known as Marvel's most famous family of Fantastic Four. According to the original comic storyline, characters, and plot, the Magical Four will battle their most famous villains, including their archenemy Dr. Doomsday. Marvel and Moonspoop collaborate to perfectly combine 2D and 3D animation, which will definitely surprise you.展开