简要:Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet and that his birth was a miracle. In fact, Prophet Muhammad gave unprecedented praise to Jesus as an Islamic prophet. Muslims believe that Mary's son Jesus will return to Earth at the moment and before the end of his life in this world, bringing justice and truth. The Quran describes Jesus as the word of God, conveyed to Mary, the daughter of Imran. The Quran states that Jesus preached to all mankind, and God created him, just as he created Adam, without a father. His mother Mary was chosen by God for the miraculous birth of Jesus. Jesus was chosen by the Lord as a prophet for his people and supported many miracles with God's permission, such as the resurrection of the dead. The gospel revealed to him that he was supported by countless miracles of God: first, he was born by a mother without a father, he spoke in the cradle, he cured the sick, and he created birds with clay, all of which were God's permission. Mary's son Jesus was not crucified or killed, but was resurrected before God. That's why Muslims respect Jesus [may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him] and consider themselves the closest to him, as well as the earliest to believe in his authority as a prophet.
Muslims believe that Jesus is a prophet and that his birth was a miracle. In fact, Prophet Muhammad gave unprecedented praise to Jesus as an Islamic prophet. Muslims believe that Mary's son Jesus will return to Earth at the moment and before the end of his life in this world, bringing justice and truth. The Quran describes Jesus as the word of God, conveyed to Mary, the daughter of Imran. The Quran states that Jesus preached to all mankind, and God created him, just as he created Adam, without a father. His mother Mary was chosen by God for the miraculous birth of Jesus. Jesus was chosen by the Lord as a prophet for his people and supported many miracles with God's permission, such as the resurrection of the dead. The gospel revealed to him that he was supported by countless miracles of God: first, he was born by a mother without a father, he spoke in the cradle, he cured the sick, and he created birds with clay, all of which were God's permission. Mary's son Jesus was not crucified or killed, but was resurrected before God. That's why Muslims respect Jesus [may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him] and consider themselves the closest to him, as well as the earliest to believe in his authority as a prophet.展开