简要:The British participated in World War II and defeated Hitler. Why did they spend so much time in the conflict between North Africa and Italy? Historian David Reynolds reassessed Winston Churchill's belief that the Mediterranean was the "weakness" of Europe under Hitler's rule. He went to battlefields in Italy such as Egypt and Cassino, where the most serious massacre in Western Europe occurred. He demonstrated how in reality, the "weak spot" became Churchill's dark and dangerous obsession. Reynolds revealed a prime minister who was completely different from the stunning bulldog of Britain's "most glorious moment" in 1940- a politically fragile leader who risked everything abroad to support the crumbling British Empire, lost faith in his own army, and even prepared to deceive his American allies, if this could delay a direct confrontation with the Germans in northern France. This movie is to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Alaman in 1942.
如意电影网如意先导片World War Two 1942 and Hitler's Soft Underbelly