This is not a comedy and look elsewhere if you are looking for cheap laughs. Man on the Moon is much more than that. "Are you looking to entertain the audience or yourself?", the line that best summarises Andy. He is a character that perpetually lives in his own world as different characters to the extent that there isn't a real Andy. But he realises that he is despised for who he is he chose for rebirth to someone else. However I am not totally sure about the ending nor do I really like it. The movie also touches on the subject of what is entertainment? The movie is filled with dead jokes, bad singing and awkward pauses it is very entertaining. To be entertained is not to laugh or cry, it is to engage in the subject, and it is a lesson that I have learned and appreciated from Andy. I think every one of us could understand Andy, we are all enclosed in a society that expects us to beha
逼不得已的男人 情非得已的男人
戏剧的人生 伪装的人生
真真假假假亦真,假假真真真亦假。荒诞版楚门的世界,加之又是传记电影显得现实更加魔幻了。“You are surrounded by what you create.”Andy可以是一个疯子也可以是一个天才,他的秀可以理解成是一堆无厘头、恶心人的恶作剧,也可以理解成是一个个敲响观众奶头乐的行为艺术,只不过方式过激。Real Andy到底是怎样的人除了他自己大概无人知晓,他被他自己一直营造的“人设”所捆绑,他被自己的恶作剧所定义。他一直都想弄明白“我是谁”这个深刻的哲学命题,不过
人的一生就是这样,现场直播,下一秒要发生什么,谁都不知道.安迪却把他表现的如此精彩,最起码让别人喝彩.永远都是未知的,其实也很好的,过这没有安排的生活,正所谓自由自在,没有约束,更没有世俗,呵呵,也能想安迪那样就好了 ,,
月亮上的男人:重新认识Jim Carrey
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