Emma le Roux just wants to go home for vacation. Emma is gentle, beautiful and pacifism. She has been to her father's farm a thousand times. a piece of cake. But not today. Today, she will meet Bosman, Buzz, and Jay. There are also Boela, AJ, and Piet. Bosman is the mastermind of this drug trafficking group. A violent psychopath. Buzz and Jay are his henchmen - violent dogs tied to short leashes. AJ and Boela, two spoiled children, are seeking recognition as they join the underworld and quickly profit from it. And Peter, a weak person who is willing to do anything for his cousin Bosman. Emma witnessed a police officer being murdered in their hands. They saw her and saw them. Now they are chasing her like beasts. After all, she can easily become a prey - everything will soon come to an end. The problem is, Emma is the daughter of Jacques le Roux. Jacques Lelou is a special forces soldier. The hunting did not proceed as planned. Everything started to fall apart, and the speed was fast. At first, they were...