The Nature of Nicholas "is a surreal fable that tells the story of 12-year-old Nicholas struggling with the strong attraction of his best friend Bobby. Nicholas is infatuated with his friend Bobby. Bobby's feeling is not very clear. Sometimes, he seemed as fascinated as Nicholas, but later he seemed more interested in dealing with girls in school. All of this makes young Nicholas very confused. When photos of Nicholas' absent father began to appear in front of him, the boy's fear was understandable. This strange number gave Nicholas the impression that he was pushing his young son towards the girl in life, away from Bobby. This will only lead to Nicholas becoming more anxious and fearful. Nicholas was afraid that Bobby was getting further away from him, so he seized the opportunity to kiss him. Bobby was surprised and rushed out. Due to shame, Bobby experienced a "split", an aging and cruel separation from his healthy self. Nicholas was immediately attracted to this terrifying Bobby and began secretly taking care of the creature. However, Nicholas cannot hide this creature forever, he must ultimately face his own feelings.