先声明,本人特喜欢sin city,所以给了4星,少内一颗就是因为画外音。不是不好,是全程一刻不停的在耳边嘚吧,实在让人承受起来有点难度。国画讲究留白,你内心独一会儿白,然后靠镜头说会儿话,然后再独,多好。非得连续的,不知疲倦的BlaBlaBla,跟本不考虑别人的感受,用英语就是it's too much;用德语就是 das nervt (烦人);我不知道这样做是不是原作漫画家特别要求的,但是,即使是,也得注意个量啊。再有深意,有风格的台词,如果没接没完的堆(3声),也会失去它的效果。
It’s all black and white but the yellow monster, blonde hair, red shoes and blue eyes. There is no law or order in the sin city. Police has no difference with criminals. Only those who have the power will laugh to the last. Justice is so precious that you have to give up your life for it. And you have to admit that woman is the driving force of this society.
The movie made you feel cold. But the affection within the stories is warm and sincere. All they want is the inner peace. However, real life makes their dream hard to come true. I am not sure I totally understand the movie, but I should still say it is worth watching.
Is it better to be innocent and happy instead of know the truth and die for it? If we have the right to know, are we able to fight as well?
最爱的布鲁斯威利斯演的 肉欲横行的社会 还是会有老布这种正直的警察 整部电影除红色全部用黑色作为格调 给人以恐怖的气氛 也为了更好的让观众体会到黑暗的力量 可是一位virgin让老布坚守了八年 也为了她放弃了自己的坚持 人格 尊严 还是为了她 连命也放了
“罪恶之城”Sin City笔记
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