Prof. Kingsfield的教学风格高山仰止,苏格拉底式的追问质询令人血脉贲张。窘境逼迫提升、困难中见成长是永恒真理。
What is the most important when we study in College? Maybe this movie give a answer.
Chasing for paper?
Yes and No.
We can find that law school students all are indeed work-hard. But this is just Basic requirement of studying law. The most important is the process of effort. Specifically, it is the process of chase paper.
And the point of process is how to analyze(Reinvent brain).
"how do you think of that l, Mr hart? ''
Scott Torow 在其名作《哈佛新鲜人》中曾这么写道:自1817年创立以来,哈佛法学院的毕业生凭借无与伦比的学术资源,造就了美国法律的成长与发展,在学术与实务界都有着无以复加的影响力。如果说世界的中心在美国,那美国的中心在哈佛,而哈佛的中心则在法学院。因此,作为一部影史上少有的全面、生动地展现哈佛法学院新生学习、生活的电影,《The paper chase》自上映以来就一直是那些梦想着进入HLS的学子们所必看的经典之作。
The paper chase, we Chinese translated it as寒窗恋,or 力争上游、平步青云、纸追,an old movie shot in 1973, scored 8.3 in Douban movie. Considering the harsh words people use in movie commenting and they prefer negative attitudes to the movie they take, it’s a relative high mark, which means a good movie. However, what disappointed is, it’s not wonderful movie, what we saw the students done in the movie is familiar to what we know, or what we’ve heard about, nothing special.
Different to our native classroom, the classroom is hemicycle, a conference center, the relationship between the professor on platform and students in the classroom are equal, teaching method here is Socratic approach, there even are insulting language between them, what we can’t imagine in we Chinese classroom.
力争上游:1973佳片有约,Paper Chase ,不要只追一张纸
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