"The Least Known" is an epic documentary that sends nine scientists to extraordinary parts of the world, uncovering unexpected answers to some of humanity's greatest problems. How did life begin? What is time? What is consciousness? How much do we really know? This movie introduces researchers from different backgrounds for the first time, and then immerses them in new, immersive field work that they have not dealt with before, revealing the true potential of interdisciplinary collaboration and breaking through the boundaries of how to handle scientific stories. What has emerged is a journey to delve deeper into human exploration and discover the basics, strongly reminding people that unanswered questions are the most crucial. "The Least Known" is directed by Ian Cheney, an Emmy nominated and Peabody Award winning filmmaker ("Finding General Cao", "City Darkness"), and provided advice by world-renowned filmmakers Werner Herzog ("Fitzcaldor", "Aguilar", "God's Wrath", "Grizzly Man"). This movie is funded by the Simmons Foundation's "Science Sandbox" initiative, which aims to involve everyone in the scientific process.