Michael Davis (played by Jeremy Davis) is a newcomer to the Sixth Division of the SEALs, but after completing his first mission, this young soldier has already passed his hidden years. His first task with the Elite Black Action Team was to serve as the communication officer for the miniature ground assault team, which was able to carry out surgical airstrikes on strategic targets in Iraq, preparing for the Allied launch of what is now known as Operation Desert Storm. As a member of the special forces, he was invited to join the army led by the best Devon McPhee (played by Ken Gamble), which enriched his honor as a member of the special forces. The team just returned from a mission and was summoned to work again because 'Mac is the best'. Our heroes feel the pull of the call, while those in power have no choice. They enter a dilemma with their usual disadvantages - fatigue, short stature, and need to be prepared in the weapons department; All of these prioritize their concealment. This team is composed of Williams (played by Christopher Garrison), Sanchez (played by Nata de Paula), and Roberts (played by Zack McGowen). The only contact person for the group in Iraq is Jamal (played by Amor Shah), a Kurdish who lost his family during the war and is now helping the United States in these isolated secret operations. Their only task is to mark aerial targets, avoid being captured, and survive for four days. But enemies are everywhere. Due to Davis not being tested on the field and Mike's recent personal defeat distracting his attention, the tension escalated. All of these complex situations threaten the success of the task and the survival of the team.