塑膠繩小人偶尼可拉半夜醒來,想要創造一個女朋友,結果笨手笨腳弄出一隻多手多腳的大怪獸!尼可拉靈機一動,用鐵絲折出一個有著長長手指的小幫手,幫忙解開所有的繩索,救出女朋友!在悠揚的音樂聲中,兩人一起跳舞好快活,大家都是好朋友!質感細膩的3D動畫,用線條呈現人偶活潑生動的動作和表情,色彩繽紛、栩栩如生。 In a shop that sells small characters made from plastic cords, "Nicolas the little musician" is the only fully finished one. He wakes up one day and decides to build "Guillemette the little dancer". Unfortunately, he fails to tie the cords together properly and the dancer becomes entangled, turning into a thousand-headed monster.