Francesco's Mediterranean Journey is a television documentary series by the British Broadcasting Corporation, which premiered in 2008. It tells the story of Venetian architect Francesco da Mosto's historical trade route from Venice through the Adriatic Sea, the Corinthian Canal, the Aegean Sea, and the Dardanelles Strait to Istanbul. This route was taken by his ancestors Alvis da Mosto and others. As a member of the crew of the Black Swan schooner, he stopped at ports visited by early merchants along the way, which in many cases were part of the Venetian Empire. Along the way, he visited spectacular ruins, such as the Acropolis in Athens and the Roman city of Ephesus in Türkiye; Holy sites such as the Asos Mountain Monastery and the St. Sophia Cathedral in Istanbul; The beautiful Dubrovnik (destroyed and rebuilt in the past decade). When Francisco visited these wonderful ancient ruins, ancient history and past legends intertwined. Goodbye, Venice 2. Blue Mediterranean 3. Island of Hope 4. Calm and Evil Water 5. Romantic Greece 6. Roaming Gulf of Corinth 7. Wild Greece 8. Wonderful Island - White Islands 9. Roman Capital - Crete 10. Zozcanisos 11. Dardanelles 12. Mysterious Istanbul Talisman