In this tense thriller, former New York Times reporter David (played by Luke Klentak) and his unfamiliar new neighbor Robert (played by Jonathan Reese Meyers) accidentally collide with a girl riding a bicycle, and a nightmarish night unfolds. David was at a loss and asked Robert to persuade him to flee the scene and let the girl die to protect his career. Robert had no remorse, and in the name of friendship, he did something indescribable to protect this secret. The police are now fully pursuing the culprit who caused the hit and run. When David's local newspaper sent him to report on the story of his encounter with the late girl's sister Vanessa (played by Eloise Smith), things began to spin out of control. Despite the situation and her urgent desire to find the killer of her sister, the two immediately established a romantic connection, which surprised and troubled David, and forced Robert to take cruel measures to keep his new friend confidential.