After the death of Emon Cunningham, the Kinsella family flourished. However, when a member of a Türkiye cartel told the Kinsellas that Imon owed them a large amount of debt, a new threat surfaced - since they killed him, the debt is now theirs. In other places, Vikings were released from prison for deliberately causing trouble. Amanda suffered a personal tragedy, and a looming within the family came back. In the new season, Kinsella will take the lead in Dublin, but killing Imon Cunningham will bring as many problems as solving them. They incurred the anger of even more dangerous enemies than him. Where there used to be unbreakable blood and family ties, now there is only doubt, distrust, and resentment. But the biggest threat to this family comes from within: in the form of ruthless, bullying, and chaotic agents. Fortunately, in times of adversity, the boldest plans are often made. The same goes for the Kinsella couple. The returning cast includes Charlie Cox ("Daredevil"), Claire Dunn ("Her Own"), Aidan Gillen ("Game of Thrones"), Sam Killey ("Joe and Carol"), Emmett Scanland ("Pea Eyes"), Maria Doyle Kennedy ("Outlander") and Asmin Seki. Francis Maggie will also return this season.