If people did not sometimes do silly things,nothing intelligent would ever get done.
In art, it is hard to say anything as good as saying nothing.
One must understand, or die..
When two principles meet and cannot be reconciled one another,then each calls the other fool or heresy.
We must improve ourselves. That's all we can do to better the world.
To imagine a language is to imagine a form of life.
We imagine the meaning of what you say as something queer, mysterious, hidden from view.But nothing is hidden. Everything is opened up to view.
Philosophy hunts for the essence of meaning.But There Is No Such Thing !
It is the philosophers who muddy the water.
When you want to know the meaning of words, don't look at the side of yourself.
Philosophy is just a byproduct of misunderstanding language.
-Are you philospher?
-Yes, I am.
-Are you happy?
-You know. You really shoul give it up.
Get out while you still can.
That's what Wittgenstein tells Jonny at their fist meet.
-I'd quite like to have composed a philosphical work which consisted entirelly of jokes.
-Why didn't you?
-Sadly, I didn't have that sense of humour.
That's what Wittgenstein say when extremely close to death.
I love queers, especially handsome queers, like Wittgenstein. It's really pityful that the actor who plays him in the film isn't, but his lover, Johnny is. It seems that the image of philopher is always so crazy, miserable, misunderstandable. Well, maybe it's also the deep image of Derek Jarman himself. Queers are prodigies, who can't be understood by the world.
这是一部现代风格的戏剧,介绍了生于维也纳,在剑桥读书的哲学家Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)的生平及思想。他的主要兴趣在于研究语言的本质与极限。
电影使用最简单的黑色背景,所有的投资都用在服装、演员以及灯光上,构图就像黑暗的启蒙主义绘画。Wittgenstein以一个小男孩的形象出现,他的少年时代很压抑,银幕上他的家人都身穿罗马人的宽外袍。一系列的小场景描述了他从小时候,到第一次世界大战,再到最终在剑桥当教授和Bertrand Russell以及John Maynard Keynes合作的生平。
【维特根斯坦】教科级的传记片 一个孤独的人
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