The tough police officer Praba (played by Pipasha Basu) is troubled by her past demons. As the illegitimate daughter of a prostitute, she had a very bad childhood and had an incident in her life where she was forced to commit murder. But today, since she is a police officer, she believes she can have a clear conscience by reforming criminals. With the addition of Aditya (played by Dino Morea), Prabha's life has become a mess. Aditya is essentially a good person, but due to institutional errors, he was forced to take the path of crime. Prabha went to Aditya's house to catch him, but when she saw him taking a shower, she was captivated. Aditya slipped away from her vigilant gaze, followed by a hasty chase. Prabha followed Aditya as she fled. Once, as she was about to fall off the roof, Adia stopped running and reached out to save her. This behavior had a huge impact on Prabha. Prabha decided to learn about Aditya's past and find out what motivated him to...