「They won't learn to be kind until we force them to.」
「Caesar... Caesar! This is not how it was meant to be.
In your view or mine?
Violence prolongs hate, hate prolongs violence. By what right are you spilling blood?
By the slave's right to punish his persecutor.
I, a decedent of slaves, am asking you to show humanity.
But, I was not born human.
I know. The child of the evolved apes.
Whose children shall rule the earth.
For better or for worse?
Do you think it could be worse?
Do you think this riot will win freedom for all your people? By tomorrow...
By tomorrow it will be too late. Why a tiny, mindless insect like the emperor moth can communicate with another over a distance of 80 miles...
An emperor ape might do slightly better?
Slightly? What you have seen here today, apes on the five continents will be imitating tomorrow.
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