Charlie Crews的功夫难倒这么高?由于他很多次的说过这是在监狱里学的,让我对他在监狱中到底发生了什么感到非常的好奇。难倒进了一次监狱就能一下解决一个人?如果是这样的话,编剧可以考虑把前面12年的监狱空白给填一下。应该会很精彩(越狱都出了4季了)。
听说第三季被砍了?真的是这样嘛? 等会去考证一下。本来是冲着题材去看的,因为一个警察被冤枉蹲了12年的牢,出来后在做警察这个就非常的有戏剧性,想看看之后怎么发展的。里面也确实有出彩的地方。
比如Charlie Crews的神经质,老是自言自语,对禅宗的热爱,还有对电脑之类的新产物的不了解等,都是非常有看点的。
加上Charlie Crews的搭档也非常的漂亮,她的身份,背景和Charlie Crews的冲突都铺设的非常好。
The big question is: after "Band of Brothers" and the great yet lesser-known gem of a film, "Keane", why would Damian Lewis want to embarass himself this way?
Damian Lewis is the reason I looked into this show, against gloomy forebodings brought to me by the plot summary. He turns out to be......vacuous. The show's "Zen" suggestion is not really there in the writing, which must have put together perhaps half an hour after the writers woke up from two weeks of drunken binge and suddenly realized the deadline was up. You cannot expect Lewis to off-handedly pull a kicking rabbit out of his hat, given dead lines like "Oh really? You think I think we all know life is a dream".
http://tv.huo360.com/article/2009/05/05/18323.html 火星360 的文章
【重获新生 第一季】优秀!我要对life重获新生的男主角charlie crews说的话
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