简要:Mondo Cane (1962) is a documentary film written and directed by Italian filmmakers Paul Cavalla, Franco Prosperi, and Guardio Jacopetti. This movie consists of a series of travelogue interludes that provide a glimpse into cultural practices around the world, aimed at shocking or surprising Western movie audiences. These scenes have almost no continuity as they aim to present shocking content rather than presenting structured arguments. Although it claims to be a real file, certain scenes in the movie are either staged or creatively manipulated to enhance this effect.
Mondo Cane (1962) is a documentary film written and directed by Italian filmmakers Paul Cavalla, Franco Prosperi, and Guardio Jacopetti. This movie consists of a series of travelogue interludes that provide a glimpse into cultural practices around the world, aimed at shocking or surprising Western movie audiences. These scenes have almost no continuity as they aim to present shocking content rather than presenting structured arguments. Although it claims to be a real file, certain scenes in the movie are either staged or creatively manipulated to enhance this effect.展开