简要:In 2008, the sequel to the most successful animated film in Czech history, "The Tale of the Goat, Old Braag", featured young Zuzanka, Hunzik, and a goat searching for their parents. The devil apparently kidnapped them and punished them for making delicious goat cheese. However, the children discovered that their parents were not in hell, but in a castle where they had to make cheese for the king's advisor, Kobil. Kobil was favored by the king for its cheese. After a dangerous and cheesy adventure, Kobil ultimately went to hell and his family reunited.
In 2008, the sequel to the most successful animated film in Czech history, "The Tale of the Goat, Old Braag", featured young Zuzanka, Hunzik, and a goat searching for their parents. The devil apparently kidnapped them and punished them for making delicious goat cheese. However, the children discovered that their parents were not in hell, but in a castle where they had to make cheese for the king's advisor, Kobil. Kobil was favored by the king for its cheese. After a dangerous and cheesy adventure, Kobil ultimately went to hell and his family reunited.展开