简要:Judy Komer (played by "Kill Eve") made his debut in the West End of London at the British premiere of Susie Miller's award-winning drama. Tessa is a young and talented lawyer. She has been at her peak all the way from a working-class background; defend; Interrogation and victory. An unexpected event forced her to face the legal power, burden of proof, and moral differences of patriarchy. Prima Face takes us to the center of the collision between emotions and experiences with the rules of the game. Justin Martin directed this solo tour, which was filmed live at the intimate Harold Pinter Theater in the West End of London. Judy Cuomo (Judy Cuomo) will make her first show in the West by taking advantage of the monologue junior college which starts on April 15 in Harold Pinter Theater! The female lawyer she plays comes from a working class background and has become a top performer in the industry through her own struggles. The sexual assault she encounters will have a strong impact on her life.