简要:This emotional drama is set in a small town in Quebec in the late 1920s and tells the life and deeds of talented young pianist Celeste Beaumont, who gained local fame in the town's cinema due to her talent as a silent film pianist. Embarrassed Pierre Blaudell was her biggest fan and eventually married her. Not long after, she gave birth to his son Pierre, who joined the army. She insisted on going to the base with him, while his nosy and arrogant parents insisted that she hand over her son to them. Pierre was killed in the war, and Celeste fled to New York, where she found a stable job as a jazz pianist. She found a lifelong partner for a black musician and recorded her experiences in a diary, which she would pass on to her son when he grew up. Her son became a painter, and once his own son Antoine grew up, he would read him the story of the young man's grandmother Celeste. Antoine was very interested and went to New York, hoping to find her. This movie is an emotional drama that tells the details of how Antoine, played by Fran ç ois Messe, discovers his inheritance. This film won many awards at Canada and the 1988 Cannes Film Festival. Fran ç ois M é th é, approximately 11 years old, has never appeared in this movie again. From IMDb: A quiet painter who separated from his wife for a year and received a suitcase from his mother, whom he had never seen since childhood. He believes she abandoned him to his wealthy grandparents. The suitcase contained souvenirs and a diary, a long letter written to him over the years, detailing her youth, her first job as a pianist in a cinema, the advent of audiovisual films, her marriage, and how he lived with his grandparents. As he read through these materials and her story became vivid, his son Antoine, who was about 10 or 12 years old, attempted to break his father's silence and sadness and take control of the matter in his own hands.