简要:This experimental documentary focuses on a day in the life of urban workers, featuring montage sequences and repetition, emphasizing the monotony of daily office work; Knocking the clock on the floor with one hand, there is a close-up shot of an alarm clock. We saw a montage of legs getting up from bed, followed by segments of different body movements. The picture shows many people rushing to work on buses and trains, and the most successful scene is people engaging in daily activities in a boring way in the office environment. The lunch break occurred, including a freeze frame scene of food dancing on a plate. After work, we see staff visiting performances or cinemas, and then pay attention to the audience's subjective psychology: we see him looking tired while watching performances, and we also see him going to bed and dreaming. Then repeat the above procedure at a faster speed, compress the activity and include some new insert clips, such as factory workers and telephone operators at work.