I nearly cried for these words(╥ω╥`). Their relationship is so inseparable that no matter what happened, they can still help each other and overcome all the barriers between them. Without Joan, Sherlock could not make his sobriety and learnto care the person around him but continue wallowing in his own world. Without Sherlock, Joan may never fix her trauma and get through all those misfortune. They are partners, but no, they are more than that.
戴斯蒙德·哈灵顿 美剧《绯闻女孩》中的杰克·巴斯,美剧《嗜血法医》中的约瑟夫·奎因(乔伊),美剧《宇航员之妻》中的艾伦·谢泼德,美剧《火线警探》中的弗莱彻 尼克斯(S03E01,冰镐,被雷兰一枪击毙),在基本演绎法(第六季)饰演迈克尔(戒毒互助会成员,本季大boss,在S06E21被格雷森的女儿汉娜所杀)
布雷特·道顿 美剧《神盾局特工》中的格兰特·沃德(潜伏在神盾局的卧底),在基本演绎法S06E01饰演瑞安·海耶斯(苏菲·毕晓普的丈夫)
翠斯提·凯莉·邓恩 美剧《盲点》中的艾莉森·奈特
福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 第六季:CBS的辉煌
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