Rebeca "Beba" Hutt, who is serving as a feature film producer for the first time, firmly explores her identity in this eye-catching adult documentary/film memoir "Beba". As the daughter of a Dominican father and a Venezuelan mother, Hunt spent her childhood and adolescence in New York City. She investigated the historical, social, and intergenerational traumas she inherited, pondered how these ancient traumas shaped her, and also considered the universal truth that connects us all as humans. Throughout the entire BEBA, Huntt sought his creative path amidst intense racial and political turmoil. BEBA is poetic, powerful, and profound, a brave and humanized self portrait depicting an African Latin artist who yearns for knowledge and connections.
5.7分动作 / 美国 / Bruce Penhall ... Chris Cannon,Mark Barriere ... Mark Austin,Suzi Simpson ... Becky Midnite,Tanquil Lisa Collins ... Ava Noble (as Tai Collins),.........