Griff Bonaire (played by Sullivan) and his brothers arrive in a small town in Arizona. He is an American Marshal who hopes to arrest Howard Swing (played by Chuck Robertson), and coincidentally, he is one of the 40 guns owned by landowner Jessica Drummond (played by Stanwick). Brocchi and his children are threatening and destroying this small town. He is an arrogant alcoholic and bully, but when he shoots an old friend of Griff, he and his brothers will intervene. Griff strode purposefully towards action, indifferent to the chaos that was happening. Brocchi's partner recognized the law enforcement officer and fled, but the drunken Brocchi did not know or care. Fuller switches back and forth between the close-up shots of Griff's eyes and Brocchi's gun until climax, when Griff finally reaches Loki's side and knocks him unconscious with a punch. Griff and Jessica inevitably intersect, and their relationship was initially antagonistic, but ultimately developed into romance.