推荐个剧吧——《初来乍到》(Fresh Off The Boat),去年错过了,但没想到还挺搞笑。
ABC电视台的喜剧当中,最有威望的还是2009年发轫的《摩登家庭》(Modern Family),收视不俗,获奖无数,一家十几口花样上演各种鸡毛蒜皮的相爱相杀,却又总是能把一盆盆狗粮喂得心暖眸亮——个人心头大爱之一。
在各方追求所谓政治正确的今天,有一个白人家庭的故事当然不够。于是2014年有了《喜新不厌旧》(Black-ish),全黑人班底。虽没看过,但貌似得分不低。那既然黑人给配上了,黄种人也来一发吧。于是,等到2015年,根据华裔黄颐铭(Eddie Huang)的回忆录改编的《初来乍到》一上岸,ABC什么颜色都齐了。
The idea of this show is that it challenges the bottom line of the perception to Asian American – like its title or the author of original book. If a black man or a white man made this show, he is certainly going to be getting beaten up and murdered. That's the beauty of such production – it is on the bottom line of extreme offensiveness – which makes it politically correct when the show also makes fun of white and black American. The creative freedom therefore allows the show to tap into many race issues people don't generally talk about because they are afraid of backlashes. For example, the black kid was bullying and showing disrespect to the newly arrived Chinese Asian kids. This is quite common across the nation, but people don't normally want to put it on the spotlight because of the oppression black American post on other minorities – while most white American are ashamed o
“初来乍到 第一季”紧凑!It's funny cuz it's true.
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